Aplikasi Monitor Gerak Janin (Fetal Kicks Monitor)
7:39 PMAplikasi yang dibuat khusus untuk membantu wanita hamil untuk menghitung gerakan janin yang sangat perlu diperhatikan untuk memantau kesehatan janin selama masa kehamilan.
Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk mudah digunakan oleh penggunanya dengan desain warna yang atraktif dan menarik sehingga memberikan kenyamanan bagi para penggunanya, disertai dengan fitur suara saat menghitung gerakan janin.
Semua data gerak janin disimpan otomatis dalam log saat tercapai jumlah gerak yang wajib dicapai tiap hari yaitu 10 gerakan.
Aplikasi ini terus dikembangkan agar para pengguna semakin nyaman dalam menggunakannya.
Saat ini aplikasi monitor gerak janin hanya tersedia untuk pengguna android. dapat di unduh di google play store.
Applications made specifically to help pregnant women to count fetal movements were very qualities needed to monitor the health of the fetus during pregnancy.
This application is designed to be easily used by users with attractive designs and attractive colors so as to provide comfort for users, along with voice features when fetal movement counting.
All data is stored automatically in the fetal movement log when reached amount of motion required to achieve each day that is 10 movements.
This application is being developed to let users more comfortable in using it.
Currently fetal movement monitoring application is only available for android users. can be downloaded at google play store.
Applications made specifically to help pregnant women to count fetal movements were very qualities needed to monitor the health of the fetus during pregnancy.
This application is designed to be easily used by users with attractive designs and attractive colors so as to provide comfort for users, along with voice features when fetal movement counting.
All data is stored automatically in the fetal movement log when reached amount of motion required to achieve each day that is 10 movements.
This application is being developed to let users more comfortable in using it.
Currently fetal movement monitoring application is only available for android users. can be downloaded at google play store.